Viv Groskop is a best-selling author, executive coach, comedian and host of the How to Own the Room podcast. She has interviewed dozens of leaders and thinkers like Hillary Clinton, Margaret Atwood, Stemettes CEO Anne-Marie Imafidon and Google’s Matt Brittin, talking to them about power, confidence, communication and resilience.
Viv’s mission is to help people thrive in the workplace, getting the best out of themselves and their teams. She is brilliantly skilled at creating a supportive environment in which people can open up about the challenges they face and build resilience going forward.
Below is a small selection of some of the workshops she offers. Contact us for more detailed information:
Resilience in Leadership: Managing Under Pressure
How to Own the Room: Women and the Art of Brilliant Speaking
On-Screen Excellence for Meeting and Presentations: How to Own the Zoom