Daniel Levine keynote speaker
Daniel Levine keynote speaker

Daniel Levine

Leading business trend expert

Speaker Themes

  • Future business trends across all industries
  • Customer Experience & Loyalty
  • Technology & Innovation

Travels from

New York City, USA


One of the world’s best-known trends experts, Daniel Levine is a one-of-a-kind “near-futurist” who helps businesses profit from change.

Daniel is the Director of the Avant-Guide Institute trends consultancy in New York City, where he leader of a large network of global trend spotters.

He is Editor of the popular trends website WikiTrends, for business professionals and entrepreneurs.

A keynote speaker and consultant to businesses and associations with over 300 presentations in 37+ industries and 39 countries, he is also an Expert Source on TV and quoted almost daily in publications worldwide.

For further information about Daniel Levine’s speaking topics, availability and fees, contact leo@vbqspeakers.com.


The major trends that are reshaping every industry are very different from silly short-term fads. They are serious business. And because trends are easier to ride in the direction they are going, they can help any businesses be more relevant, innovative and profitable.

The challenge is that while business, technology and consumer behaviour is evolving faster than ever, companies are often slow to adapt. And, of course, most businesses don’t have their own world-class trends expert to help them with trends-based innovation. That’s where Daniel Levine comes in.

Businesspeople who experience Daniel’s keynote presentations become the first to benefit from what their competitors may only see eventually.

Daniel presents to clients across the industrial spectrum. It’s a wide swathe of businesses because trends are not siloed by industry: trends reflect what is happening in the world at large. Daniel helps these businesses benefit from successes in other industries to attract the same kind of customers. Industries he has spoken to recently include:

– Automotive & Transport
– Fashion & Beauty
– Food & Beverage
– Technology
– Digital Marketing
– Education
– Financial
– Retail
– Travel & Hospitality
– Media & Entertainment
– Real Estate
– Health & Wellness


This year, Daniel’s bestselling presentations are super-customised variations on these two topics:

“Trends With Benefits and The Future of Almost Everything”
Now more than ever, knowing what is now isn’t enough – you also need to know what will be, or you’re gone. Tomorrow’s world is looking vastly different from today’s, so strap on your jetpack and get ready for an advance preview of the most spectacular and useful trends that will be transforming your world and powering your success. New trends and fresh rules are creating new winners and losers every day. Which will you be?

“What Your Customers Really Want… and How to Give it to Them”
Why do some people choose to buy from you… while others choose to go elsewhere? Discover the new values and attitudes behind why they buy, understand trends that are quickly changing the consumer landscape, and learn from organisations, brands and products that are embracing trends with spectacular results. This is your opportunity to ride the waves of the future and leave competitors in your wake.

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